Saturday 7 March 2015

Some Animated Movies and Anime shows I like : ) I need to watch more!!!


So I love movies and have talked about them already a lot on my Blog but one thing I love is animated movies! I know a lot of the animated movies that come out are for children but that's what I think makes them so much better, I'm now at the age where I have to kinda be seen as an adult and yet this is still one of my favourite genres!

I grew up watching a lot of these movies especially Disney movies Hercules, Alice and wonderland, Disney princesses, 101 Dalmatians lady and the tramp, and so much more I probably have watched a good chunk of them now. Yet I'm not embarrassed there are so many good movies that are directed at children and that are animated I mean to be honest so many of them have heaps of adult themes and jokes!  mean watching Toy Story as an adult is actually really funny because of the way it is displayed.

I know that a lot of people aren't a fan of the Disney princesses for example and I did watch most of them when I was a kid but I've always loved the stories especially Brave and Frozen. I think that yes the ideas aren't always the best but its still good to have young girls look up and want to be better than these princesses that have that damsel in distress ideas, I mean I wasn't a girly girl growing up but I still thought they were cool and I don't think believing in true love is a bad thing and to believe in the magic of something. I do have a large imagination because of animated films and books from my childhood and that's something I treasure to this day, it makes me Me and also give me something to talk about here on my Blog!
Good Cast too
There are some great lessons in animated movies and I think that's why they use that method for children I mean there are heaps of fight against evil but also find yourself and be happy with you. I think even as adults we can still learn so much plus we need a bit of happiness with all the sadness in the world!

I must say though one of my favourite animated movies is Over The Hedge that movie is awesome and I love it so much plus classics like 101 Dalmatians even watch that a couple months ago so good, I guess I'm just a believer and want to see the best in the world. Also I probs just don't want to feel like I'm getting too old!

Card Captor Sukura!
Mew Mew!
And I grew up watching a lot of animated TV shows too like the obvious Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z but also a little anime such as Sailor Moon and Card Captors which were both super awesome. I have always wanted to watch more anime as I have gotten older which is one of the reasons why I love animated movies so much because there is so much to watch and they have so many different genres I've always liked Spirited Away and obviously the Pokemon movies I mean those first two were really good you know the one with Mew and Mew two (When I went to the movie I even got a free card!).
Sailor Moon LOL

If anyone has any other anime that are good totally hit me up on twitter I need to watch more series and more movies!
I do tend to watch the girly anime I know its bad but I also love Tokyo Mew Mew even as a kid I did watch some of the more unique shows like full anime which does get a little ruined when its subbed into English. Some of the content even gets deleted or changed I know that specifically from Card Captors. Some of my kiddie day shows were Digimon (I know...), Beyblades was a big one so was Yu Gi Oh, i went through that whole phase of the cards and toys... But it was great its fun to have these phases with your friends growing up where you watch but also play these shows you watch.
Guilty pleasure also was the show Zoids that was epic!
Who wouldn't want one of these!
This Is my Childhood!

These Animated movies and Anime are great the stories are great the characters are great its just a awesome thing and I'm happy to have this come through again into my "Adult" life! I even have finally joined the Frozen fan base as I finally watched it and loved it! I have the let it go fever just a couple years late...

I might try to write a book about comics soon too,

I hope your doing well and have a great day
Peace : )

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