Saturday 30 May 2015



I'm continuing with the Spellcaster series by reviewing the second book STEADFAST! Please not if you haven't read the first book you may not want to spoil yourself by reading this review

Steadfast By Claudia Gray

Yeah that's ma girl Verlaine!

Series: Spellcaster Series #2

Published: March 4th 2014 by Harper Teen

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal

Goodreads Synopsis: 
"Nadia, Mateo, and Verlaine have saved Captive's Sound from the dark Sorceress Elizabeth...or so they thought. Despite their best efforts, a crack opened and a new, greater evil seeped through. With Mateo as her Steadfast, Nadia's magic is magnified and she is more powerful than ever. But there is still so much she doesn't know about the craft, leaving her open and vulnerable to a darker magic...which has begun to call Nadia's name."

You can find out more HERE

My Thoughts (As non spoilery as I can)

This second novel in the Spellcaster series follows the crazy events at the end of the first book where they are still trying to find out Elizabeth's plan... thinking she was dead they realise the fight has just began! Elizabeth wants to train Nadia as she doesn't have anyone to teacher her magic, but Elizabeth has her own plans to get Nadia to swear herself to the One Beneath. Also enter a new character by the name of Asa who catches the eye of Nadia's best friend and member of the team trying to stop Elizabeth Verlaine. We also find out that there is magic around Verlaine stopping her from being loved but with this new version of someone in town maybe there is more going on...

I do like that we get to see the prospective of not just the 3 main characters but also the villain and her minion, my only issue with it was how fast sometimes they changed, one minute it was Nadia for a could pages them you would get a whole chapter from Mateo...

The relationship between Mateo and Nadia is so cute! I love the way that they feed off each other not just in there relationship but obviously for Nadia as he is her Steadfast so she can use him for her magic. I like that they make each other stronger and it wasn't overly done either it wasn't the main focus of the story which I really liked. And hearing from Mateo's head helped to understand someone his story same with Nadia. I was happy to not only learn about them together but to learn more about them separately and how each of there worlds work.
I was beyond happy to get more info about my main girl Verlaine! she is such a fun character and so easy to relate you, I hate that she has to deal with not being able to be loved but the times when Nadia or Mateo glimpse at her and see her for real made me happy and all soppy! I love how sarcastic she is, she makes such a good contrast with the seriousness and determination that you get from Nadia and Mateo. Plus not going to lie love her back and forth with Asa its so funny and they has such different values but are so a like I hope to see her story evolve more in the final book. Her sub plot was great and made the book flow as it wasn't all about Elizabeth.

I love her as a villain though, Elizabeth is great! She is evil and she knows it but she doesn't care, I liked to see her POV and start to understand her a little bit more plus how her magic works. Now that she is so close to getting her goal it will be cool to see where Claudia Gray takes her from here.
New guy Asa is such a breath of fresh air! I love what he adds to the story as he is so sarcastic and arrogant, he makes the story lighter at times and makes it not seem so serious all the time.

I get that it is a big deal the story but I wish it was just a little bit more lighthearted at times, given the reader more happy moments to balance the story a little bit more. One thing I love about this series though is the magic system, and seeing it so much more in this book makes me love it even more! The way they use memories and different stones to make these spells its so different from other stories and I think one of the reasons why this series is so unique. Learning more about the magic world that Nadia is in made a lot of blocks fall into place that were missing from the first book and I felt like I could understand it all more after this one.

I'm interested and nervous on how this series will end, I have some ideas but with Claudia Gray's books you never really know whats going to happen like in the Evernight series or even about Nadia's lineage... I just hope that it will be action packed with a great story and a good end. I have faith that this will be good and I can't wait to pick up my next Claudia Gray book... I'm thinking A thousand Pieces of you that cover guys is beautiful!

I give this book a 3.75, it was a good read and made a lot of things fall into place but some of the characters did frustrate me a little bit and the POV's even though I did enjoy them were also a little frustrating, Sorry Claudia Gray still love your books girl!

Thanks for reading my review! and stay tuned for more things I hope to do some more reviews maybe even some other blogs!

I hope your doing well and have a great day
Peace : )

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