Monday 12 January 2015

Phone Game Apps!


I love my Cellphone always have and in this changing world we have to have one which means some awesome apps come with it!
Today I want to talk about some of my favourite games that I use

Boom Beach
This is a game where you have your own island! You build up defence and collect resources to become the strongest island. It's great because you can fight other islands over the world but also can join your friends to collect Intel and do special missions. But also there is an enemy to defeat called the blackguard and there is also Dr Terror who has an island that will just come up on your map where he gives you gems and resources. Also can make masterpieces which give your island great boosts!
The reason I like this game is because it's different and isn't a demanding game where you have to constantly check it but also don't have to wait 6 days for a building to update. The Blackguard and Dr Terror make it interesting for me too as they change it up so your not always fighting the same things over and over again. Along with other players and the enemy groups there is also random bases that pop up on your map ranging in levels as you defeat them. To help with resources there are resource islands which you have to fight other players to keep and the more you battle over them the higher the level gets which in my case can get very annoying!


Tapped Out

This is a Simpson's based game where Homer has destroyed Springfield and it is your job to rebuild it.
You start with just Homer but soon get Lisa Flanders and Apu plus there respective buildings.
I always liked this game because I've always loved the show plus it tries to keep you entertained between levels by having quests ranging from Easter to Christmas and they are all a little different, they even did a sort of clash of clan parody where you got to build a castle and had to defeat other Springfield's buildings using nerds!. It also gives you a good chance to get new and exciting items and characters.
The outfits are good too like goblin Bart and adds some from the show such as the Stone  Cutters, I still like the humour in the Dialogue between the characters as well with many having there catch phrases. I also love the fact that they do actually take the time to add the things from the show such as being able to build your own Krusty land and how you can build the boardwalk and pier which has been in a number of episodes!
I do like having a neighbours event too where if you visit your friends you can unlock special items.
Over the years that this game has been out its gotten better with less bugs but I do find it repetitive at times and time consuming and it's hard to actually move forward do to you need to have donuts which cost real money to do and get a lot of the items and characters.

                                                   RATING: 3 STARS

Family Guy: Quest for Stuff

This game isn't all that old but like tapped out it follows the Griffin family with all there friends family and antics
You start with the griffin house and Peter but slowly build till you not only have the whole family but many of there friends.
You can also have your own friends on there too and visit them getting money and XP and they can be included in quests and events where like over Christmas you could give them gifts Nawh!.
One thing I have noticed is that all of there events normally involve you having to attack or get rid of something whether its pirates or reindeer's.
It has been compared a lot to Tapped Out and in many ways it's the same idea but the developers take it in a different way with there own family guy story lines. However they follow the same ideas with events such as for Christmas and Halloween and the game at times isn't always that stable crashing at times. There also has been problems with recent updates but as I have said it's not I guess that old and still working out the problems and increase in traffic. But there are some funny elements such as character outfits and the things you make them do, I like banana Brian and playboy stewie.
In this game you don't have to use real money but again to get some items and characters you need golden clans which do cost money

                                                    RATING: 3 STARS

Block Puzzle

This game is one of those boredom busters where you just sit down and work the puzzle pieces into the square or rectangular shape. You never realise how long you play this game for because you lose any idea of time just trying to work these out especially when you get up to the harder level (And there are heaps of levels!). I love things like this as it tests my brain and keeps me busy when there isn't much else to do. There is more than just one difficulty, you have novice, normal and expert plus bonus ones and there is said to be over 6000 levels so keeps you busy! I also recently found out that you can actually challenge friends too!

                                                RATING: 4.5 STARS

This game I have finished but reinstalled it just to do it again! The aim is to connect the coloured dots while filling in the grid but they can't cross over each other and the whole square needs to be filled which can get as big as 14X14! . There are also many different versions so endless fun if you want the only problem is the fact that there are more levels that can be unlocked it just costs real money and once complete there isn't much point in keeping the app. But I think challenging yourself out ways the other average points of the game and the fact that it's got super pretty colours makes me like it! I have also played another version called Flow Bridges where you can go under and over other colours but its a little bit harder in my opinion

                                                  RATING: 4.5 STARS

Trivia Crack

I do love a good knowledge game! In this game you battle against either random people around the world or your friends in a first to 5 trivia quiz!. The aim is to collect each trivia genre piece, these categories being geography, science, history, sport, art, and entertainment.
What happens is you roll the wheel and answer what ever category you get then once you have answered 3 you can get your piece either by answering a question in that genre or challenge your opponent to I believe a 5 question head to head where the one who answers the most wins either you win the piece you challenged for or you lose and they keep there piece but you lose the one you put up!!!. I love how you can test you knowledge, guessing skills and also learn random facts all at the same time.
It's so basic which is why I love it, that's the nerd in me coming out! I do have some categories I don't like cause I'm not that good but the good thing is they range from very easy to quite hard such as I once got asked what colour does blue and red make...

                                                    RATING: 5 STARS

I hope you like my first talk about apps which I think I will continue into the future

I hope that you are doing well and have a great day
Peace : )

(All Pictures from Google Play Store if you want more info)

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