Tuesday 13 January 2015

Kiwi in Berlin


Flying fun!
So as I have mentioned I am from New Zealand which is an amazing country, love it to pieces!
But at the moment I am actually living in Germany.

I am going into the workforce so a lot has been going on to try and sort all of this out.
Originally being here started as a holiday for me to see my boyfriend and to see some of Europe, since I'm from the other side of the world it sounded like a great adventure, however 1 month turned into 3 and now I have been here a year where I am waiting to receive my visa and checking all of my job prospects.

Awesome Airline
Once I decided to go down this road obviously I looked for jobs to do with my degree (Bachelor of Science) the problem there was the fact that I didn't speak German and made it difficult for me to actually get a job I would love so for now I am trying to look for any old job just to be able to make the money I need to stay here and travel

I got bit by this travel bug young and have always wanted to see the world in every way! Although not the biggest fan of really long flights on my flight here I got stuck between a couple and they talked over me the whole time! wasn't until I got to Dubai and was flying to Frankfurt where I had all 3 seats to myself and slept most of the time (I do recommend Emirates, they are really awesome and the food was super good!).

Beautiful City!
So now I am here living in Berlin trying to make some money to live but to also travel maybe try and take some weekends where I can go visit a country! I have already visited the motherland (England, since NZ is a Commonwealth country) and that was amazing I had the best time seeing all of the attractions bu I also want to travel Germany more too, I love history and museums and just fun exciting stuff so I'm excited to see what there is to offer in Europe. And hey you never know maybe I will got to Africa and Asia at some point too!. For now Berlin is awesome and I can't wait to continue exploring it!

The process to get a visa was difficult and did take a lot of time, lucky for me I have people I'm living with that are from here and they were able to help me get in touch with the right people and the right companies such as for insurance. There are definitely companies here that I have found who speak enough English such as job centers who can help with jobs if you don't speak German and heaps of courses (Which I am going to take) to teach you German.
Patience's is needed when moving country!

Its a big move and I miss my family ever day but this is a once in a life time experience to see what the world has to offer. I'm thinking of doing more blogs about my time here but also the processes I went though so leave a comment if you want more of that!

I hope you are doing well and have a great day
Peace : )

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