Wednesday 20 April 2016

Guilty Pleasures that I'm not ashamed!


I have talked about these series a number of times on my blog because I love them and not really ashamed well not really and they have new seasons coming up or even already going through so ep!


I love this show! Its like perfect what is better then having re tellings but having a TV show of re tellings where everything and everyone is connected in this crazy way! I think its so cool seeing the way the show makers portray characters like the Evil Queen, Red Riding Hood and especially Rumpelstiltskin! He is my favourite character and the actor who plays him, Robert Carlyle, is amazing at being him its perfect and makes the series so good cause you have no idea what he will do next. For anyone that doesn't know the story follows Emma Swan as she is brought to the small town of Storeybrooke by her son Henry where all of the townspeople are characters from fairytales transported there by an evil curse!

The way they take a fairytale that everyone knows and twists it on its head is great and makes for a very interesting and exciting show. I never know what is going to happen and those season cliff hangers get me every time I mean season 5 mid season ending OMG. The characters and relationships are so great that you get attached to these characters and the way they are with each other I mean Emma is just great and such a tough person plus mix that with the classic Snow White and Prince Charming it makes for some feel good moments. You get all the feels and get all of the good ships but I love how you stories from everyone. The strong and crazy couples, weak and strong men and the weak and strong women its great and really makes you think. I also really like how they actually took some parts of original stories cause let me tell you the disney versions are cookie cutter versions!


This is one of those guilty pleasures because I don't want to like it but I just can't help it! I mean I went through the After twilight phase and liked a lot of vampire books so when I heard of this series I was interested. I have never read the books which I think is a really good thing due to the mixed reviews but I think the TV show is quite good. It follows Elena as she gets thrown into this world of Vampires, Witches and werewolves in her small home town of Mystic falls! I like the way they do vampires its nice and different though the whole day light ring is a little eh for me but some of the other aspects are really cool like the witches and the werewolves are just generic nothing really new about that.

There is also another series the Originals which follows Klaus one of the original vampires as he and his few siblings as they go back to there old stomping grounds New Orleans! But a new high vampire is in town and there is a lot of witches to deal with. The is one aspect that I like about the Originals is the look at witches because that is one of the things Nola is known for voodoo and all that but its cool how they add a little bit of human into it as well where Klaus befriends a bartender Cami and she gets pulled into this whole world.

I did think that the way they combine the series at times to do cross overs is great and adds something else to the story which at time sometimes its needed. One thing I have not done is watched the first half of the new TVD series because the main character Elena played by Nina Dobrev left, and I don't know if I am ready for a series that lost there main character... But I do love TO its my favourite of the too because it goes into the back story more which is something I prefer and you see how and why these types of people came about. Good old Guilty Pleasure!


This show makes me happy! It may not be all historically accurate but I don't care I love this kind of historical show cause for me this is kinda my history in a way. My family comes from Scotland and Ireland which this show is about Mary Queen of Scots! It follows Mary as she is growing up in France getting ready to join her country with that of France through her marriage to the delphi Francis. With a lot of twists and turns it follows her life and the choices she must not only make for herself but also her country!

I love the plot but also how they have adapted it to be a bit more exciting then the original history but to also have other players that are effecting these key main characters. I love the relationships as well you see the struggle especially with Mary and Francis who were told from birth they will be together and be the champions of there countries its a lot of pressure and the show captures that not just in the plot but in there relationship and there relationships with friends and family. I really like the added storylines of Mary's ladies she starts off with 5 who come with her when she is old enough to move to French Court.

This isn't a show for everyone and I'm totally okay with that I'm getting better at not worrying what I like and what others like! I do think the costumes are super great and look really traditional. It must suck to get into them on a daily basis but I think it would be cool to look like that with the dresses, corsets and jewelry, I'm not a girly girl though I would like me some of that. I highly recommend this show as it does have some of the big hitters in our history especially when after a few seasons they bring in a epic English Queen too. The way the world was then I think is a little bit more accurate then some of the other aspects of it like some of the politics of it which is interesting to see.

I'm not afraid to say I love TV and these are some some of my favoutite shows gotta get me some drama and romance!

I hope you have a great day and are doing good!
Peace : )

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