Wednesday 23 March 2016

Some of my Favourite Novella's


Love them or hate them they can help make or break a story here are some of my favourite Novellas!


These are 2 of my favourite people in ST Bende's books and one of my new favourite OTP's, I mean come on a perkeft couple one is a badass Asgardian Assassin Choreographer and the other is a member of the Elite group of Odin's Assassins. Inga is awesome and an epic baker matching Gunners epic fighting skills and killer smile makes these Novella's awesome but I just wish they were longer!

Tur: Elsker Saga Novella #0.5

I read this before I started the Elsker Series and I am so glad I did. It gives you just enough insight without completely blowing away the Trilogy and introduces you to 3 of the main characters and how badass they are. I love the relationship this Novella shows between Ull, Inga and Gunner they have such an amazing friendship and bond that no one can match and understand each other which causes some great one liners and banter! This also gets a bit as to what is gong on at Asgard through the Elsker series as they always are worrying about Ragnarok but also personally with Inga worrying about the outcome for her family, this novella is action packed even for its size and really builds up for the series as Inga is stuck being Assassins choreographer yet again and Ull is being asked to take up the position he does not want, setting them perfektly up for a holiday on Midgard (Earth) where Ull just might meet his soul mate!

The Asgardian

I read this after the Elsker series so it was great to have just another piece of that world in this novella, especially getting back to Inga and Gunner. It was so great to step into seeing how Inga grew up a little, she is such a great character, so easy going but has been through a lot in her life and finding out more of her back story was great and fitted perfektly in place. It was great also to see more Gunner, #GunnerisFunner he is such a sweet character how so deeply cares for Inga, and its great to see them on there own and watch as there relationship grows. But what was even better was to be introduced to some of the characters from the up coming Perfekt Order series Brynn and Hendrik, Gunners Brother. Its cool that you see how different the 2 brothers are were Gunner went the Assassin way and this molded him into what he is today but makes him perfekt to handle strong willed Inga and then Hendrik is magical but still has that badass side. They share this sarcastic attitude which made me wish there was more to this. I fell in love with these characters and so happy to see more into this world.


This was one of my all time favourite series The Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi! I went in blind and was so surprised that it was just epic, I highly recommend this series and the Novella's are a prefect balance between Juliette's story plus you learn so much more about the world and these 2 characters.

Destroy Me

This book follows after the events of the first novel Shatter Me, and it is so good! It gives you a look at what is happening after the ending to some of the more villainous characters and gives you a really good look into Warner who is kinda a negative force on the first book. It was such an eye opener and it really helped me to understand his character better and to be honest it actually made me like him! even after the events of the first book. Warner is such a complicated character and it was fun to pull back some of those layers to see what he is like and what his life before meeting Juliette especially when characters from his past appear. He was always for me one of those characters you want to hate but I never could. I really recommend reading the order of the series with the Novellas it will help the understanding of the story especially as you can see what the world was like before the beginning of Shatter Me which I thought was a great contrast. And can we talk about this cover! She is amazing with her covers!

Fracture Me

This book follows after the second book in this series Unravel me and sets the stage for the final book in the series Ignite Me, Plus is told from Adam's POV.  I really liked Adam at the beginning and throughout the first too books but I did not like this Novella as much as the first one. I don't think its because the book itself was bad but the way Adam was and how he expressed himself did kinda annoy me and my feelings about him really did change. But I loved the way this sets up for the final book, I was so excited to hear she was doing another Novella ad it was good to get in Adams head I mean he has a lot going on... -_-. I really do think this was necessary completely and makes the story seem more full and explains a lot, its great to see some of the parts from Unravel Me and Shatter me from Adam's POV especially how these things effected him cause it really effects the story. PLUS THE COVER! its so perfect I would recommend keep reading in order till you get to Ignite Me cause this series is amazing!


I have always been a big fan for Jennifer's books as anyone who reads this blog really does know so of course she has written some great amazing Novellas for some of her series, one of them is from her Alien series The Lux and the other is a Novella for her Dark Elements series and I would really recommend reading that before starting the Dark Elements series!

Shadow, The Lux 0.5

This story I think is best to read after you have read the first few books of the series just so you are familiar with the world and characters as this follows the story of The main characters Daemon and Dee's brother Dawson as he does the unthinkable and starts to fall for a human girl. It gave a lot of inside information on the way the characters are in the main story and why they act the way they do *cough* Daemon *cough*. but it also shows a different perspective of the situation they are in, I mean they are living on a planet that is controlling them and only the people that need to know about them do, its great to be in someone else's head especially as this is split POVs between the main characters Dawson and Bethany. I really liked  this and what it did for the Lux series as a whole it connected those dots and really made you think and feel for these characters. I highly recommend reading this with the series but as I said so wait a bit I would hate for you to get parts of the story messed up!

Bitter Sweet Love

This is the prequel to Jennifer'd The Dark Elements series and this series was so good I loved the way it is the story the idea of Gargoyles and Demons just made me fall in love. This prequel set before the events of the original series Jas is a Gargoyle in a society where there are not so many females but she has Dez who is her everything, he helped who come to terms with who she really is. That is until he leaves... on the day Jas's dad announces they are to be mated. Now 3 years later he is back in her live and she has no idea what to make of it but he wants to start where they left off, "Dez has seven days to meet all her conditions and earn back her trust. Seven days filled with terrifying danger and sweet temptation. Seven days to win her heart—or shatter it all over again..." This is a great start to the series as it introduces you to the world a lot and I read the first book before this, I did understand it but after reading this I wish I had done it differently it explained so much and I love these characters! Its interesting to see the way Jas deals with this to the story that the main character in Darkest Elements, Layla, goes through. Definitely a must read!

I love Novella's they can add so much to the story and give you that extra insight that you need to understand what the hell is going on! I am slowly being turned into a Novella fan so Dear Authors get to writing these amazing Stories!

I hope your doing well and have a great day
Peace : )

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